How are my fractional shares protected?

Written by Eleana Ntagia

Updated: 2023-10-02 14:39:47

We protect your fractional shares investment in the same way as your whole shares. We keep your whole shares in a fully segregated custody account.

For your fractional shares, we will safeguard these investments in a separate custody account with the shares held in trust on your behalf where you have a fiduciary right to the ownership benefits of a fraction of a whole share to which you have invested. Whenever you buy a fractional share, XTB will hold a corresponding whole share to which you have a fiduciary right to the fractional equivalent of your investment. For example, lets say you buy 0.7 of Tesla shares. XTB will hold 1 whole share and to this you will own a fiduciary right to the economic benefits of 0.7 of this whole share.

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