Data security

data security

Written by Monika Czarkowska-Guziuk

Updated: 2022-08-24 08:30:40

We assure you that XTB makes every effort to ensure the maximum security of your data. We also point out that most cybercriminal attacks are aimed directly at customers. That's why it is so important to follow the basic safety rules which are listed and described on the internet security page.

The security of your login data is particularly important. Therefore, you should follow these rules:

  • do not share your login and/or password with anyone and do not store it in your email box,

  • change the password regularly remembering to keep it strong enough,

  • do not use the same password for different systems.

In case of doubts whether you are dealing with an attempted cyber fraud related to our services, please contact us immediately!

If you still need help with your question,

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