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A CFD összetett eszköz, és a tőkeáttétel miatt a hirtelen veszteség jelentős kockázatával jár. Ennél a szolgáltatónál a lakossági befektetői számlák 78%-án veszteség keletkezik a CFD-kereskedés során. Fontolja meg, hogy érti-e a CFD-k működését és hogy megengedheti-e magának a veszteség magas kockázatát.

Apple lanuches a brand new product 💥 - WWDC23 short recap

9:02 2023. június 6.

Apple annual conference WWDC23

In 2023 Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conference takes place in an online format from June 5 through 9. The first day of the conference started with the introduction of brand new products and announcements of ambitious new updates to current products.

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New product announcements:

  1. Apple Vision Pro: This is a new device that introduces the era of spatial computing, where digital content blends seamlessly with your physical space.

  2. MacBook Air 15: Apple's most loved laptop now comes with a spacious 15-inch Liquid Retina display and is supercharged by the M2 chip, offering up to 18 hours of battery life.

  3. Mac Studio: This device offers next-generation power with M2 Max and M2 Ultra chips, providing outrageous performance and extensive connectivity in a compact form.

  4. Mac Pro: This is a game-changing combination of Apple silicon performance and PCIe expansion for specialized workflows. Every configuration comes with the new M2 Ultra, Apple's most powerful and capable chip ever.

  5. iOS 17, iPadOS 17, macOS Sonoma, and watchOS 10: Apple introduced new updates to its operating systems, offering new features and enhancements for iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch.


Apple Vision Pro

This year the main focus was on the introduction of a new product called Apple Vision Pro. This is a significant development from an investor's perspective as it represents Apple's entry into the spatial computing and augmented reality market - a totally new product branch.

Apple Vision Pro: This is a new kind of computer that augments reality by blending the real world with the digital world. It's the first Apple product you look through, not at. It allows users to see, hear, and interact with digital content as if it's in their physical space.

Spatial Computing: Apple Vision Pro introduces users to spatial computing. This is a new dimension of powerful personal technology that allows users to use their apps anywhere and make them any size they want. It also enables users to capture photos and videos and relive their most important memories in an entirely new way.

3D Interface: The device has a fully three-dimensional interface that can be controlled with just your eyes, hands, and voice. It also has a feature called eyesight - “that helps users stay connected with those around them. When a person approaches someone wearing Vision Pro, the device feels transparent — letting the user see them while also displaying the user’s eyes. When a user is immersed in an environment or using an app, EyeSight gives visual cues to others about what the user is focused on.”

Applications: The device can be used for work, entertainment, and communication. It supports all-day use when plugged in and up to two hours of use with an external high-performance battery. It also works seamlessly with familiar Bluetooth accessories like Magic Trackpad and Magic Keyboard.

Advanced Technology: The device is powered by Apple's M2 chip and a new chip called R1 for real-time sensor processing. It also features a high-performance eye tracking system and a unique curved OLED panel with a lenticular lens for the eyesight feature.

Partnership with Disney: Apple announced a partnership with Disney, which will bring Disney+ to Apple Vision Pro on day one. This could potentially boost the appeal of the device and increase its market reach. This partnership is significant as it could potentially boost the appeal of the device and increase its market reach. Bob Iger, CEO of Disney, expressed enthusiasm and optimism for the partnership, stating that Apple Vision Pro will allow Disney to create deeply personal experiences that bring fans closer to the characters they love and more deeply immersed in their stories.


From an investors perspective, the launch of Apple Vision Pro may potentially have a significant impact on Apple's future revenue and market position. It represents Apple's entry into a new product category and could open up new revenue streams.

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