BREAKING: CPI in Spain in line with expectations

7:02 AM September 28, 2023

CPI inflation data and retail sales from Spain:

  • Spanish CPI YoY Flash Actual 3.5% (Forecast 3.5%, Previous 2.6%)
  • Spanish CPI MoM Flash Actual 0.2% (Forecast 0.2%, Previous 0.50%)
  • Spanish HICP YoY Flash Actual 3.2% (Forecast 3.3%, Previous 2.4%)
  • Spanish HICP MoM Flash Actual 0.6% (Forecast 0.6%, Previous 0.5%)
  • Spanish Retail Sales SA YoY Actual 7.2% (Forecast -, Previous 7.3%)

Source: INE Spain Statistical Institute

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The estimated annual inflation of the CPI in September 2023 is 3.5%, according to the flash indicator prepared by the NSI. This indicator provides a preview of the CPI which, if confirmed, would mean an increase of nine tenths in its annual rate, since in August this variation was 2.6%. This evolution is mainly due to the increase in electricity prices, which decreased in September 2022. Also noteworthy, albeit to a lesser extent, is the rise in fuel prices, compared with the decrease registered in September of the previous year.

Source: xStation 5

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