BREAKING: TRY surges after massive CBRT hike

11:02 AM August 24, 2023

Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT) announced its latest monetary policy decision today at 12:00 pm BST. CBRT was expected to deliver a 250 basis points rate hike, bring the 1-week repo rate to 20.00%. However, the actual hike turned out to be much bigger than expected with 1-week repo rate being hiked to 25%!

Turkish lira surged following the decision as it looks like new Turkish monetary authorities are indeed taking inflation fight seriously. Increase in underlying inflation trend was given as a reason behind such a massive hike. USDTRY and EURTRY plunged more than 2% following the decision.

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USDTRY plunged after a bigger-than-expected CBRT rate hike and is attempting to break below the 50-session moving average (green line). Source: xStation5
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